What Does the Future Hold for Our Work Environment?

As I scroll through my various social feeds, read the news, listen to webinars, etc. all sharing info about Covid-19 and its impact, I can’t help but to ponder what the future work environment will look like post-Covid-19.

Fast Company published an article “Will coronavirus quarantines lead more companies to consider 4-day workweeks?”  It discusses whether employers will become more open to alternative forms of working and that the traditional 9 to 5 at the office may not be the most productive.  Alternatives may include continued remote work for some, flexible schedules such as 4-day work weeks, or other variations.  The quarantine is leading companies to a new level of trust and opening their eyes to alternatives to the 9 to 5 office hours.

We’ve been watching the pendulum swing to reduced square footage per person in office environments.  Perhaps this pendulum will start to swing back to more square feet per person and less shared spaces, allowing for more space between people reducing the spread of germs.

The types of materials used within a space will become more important than ever before.  It won’t be just the health care industry that is concerned about materials and finishes that are resistant to germs.

Through this quarantine, organizations will realize that a lot can be accomplished virtually.  Instead of building more conference rooms and meeting spaces, organizations may focus those funds on technology instead.  We will all have learned valuable lessons in how to communicate effectively without having to travel (across the office or across the world).

Lastly, maybe more people will begin to see the importance of staying home when they aren’t feeling well.  By the time the worst of this virus passes, we’ll all be quite adept at virtual meetings and working remotely.

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